-- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. "What makes humility so desirable is the marvelous thing it does to us; it creates in us a capacity for the closest possible intimacy with God." -- Monica Baldwin
Listen up. The daddy is honored to receive The Splash Award for 2009. According to the folks over at Electronic Village (http://electronicvillage.blogspot.com/), the award is given to blogs that are "...alluring, amusing,
bewitching, impressive and inspiring." They said the daddy's "Poets you should know" series, which was written in honor of National Poetry Month, was inspiring. Thank you, Wayne. Thank you, villagers.
The daddy wants to add that the comment section is a very important component of the daddyBstrong blog. Readers who comment in this section speak in their own voices and with keen insight. They may or may not agree with the daddy, but what they always do is speak honestly and intelligently. To the daddy, these qualities are the most important of all. So, when you come to check out the daddy's post, don't forget to check the comments. And make a comment of your own.
For accepting The Splash award, the rules are:
- Put the logo on your blog post.
- Nominate up to 9 blogs which allure, amuse, bewitch, impress or inspire you.
- Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.
- Let them know that they have been splashed by commenting on their blog.
- Remember to link to the person from whom your received your Splash award.
1. From the Left. Christopher over at From the Left (http://fromtheleft.wordpress.com/) lays it down form the perspective of a gay guy who is also a political geek. The guy seems to think politics 24/7. But in so doing, he provides a valuable niche in the blogosphere.
2 . illkeep you posted. Cory over at ill keepyouposted (http://illkeepyouposted.typepad.com/ill_keep_you_posted) writes very thoughtful posts about everything. But he seems to be at his best when he talks about music or movies. And when it comes to jazz or R&B from the back in the day, a brotha kicks it like Einstein on the chalkboard or Chuck D on the mike Public Enemy style. Love it.
3. Big Man over at Raving Black Lunatic (http://ravingblacklunatic.blogspot.com) lays it down on all the issues pertinent to black folks. Not only that, a brotha finds time to lay something on you to let you know, without preaching, that he writes in the spirit of God, the ultimate blogger of us all.
4. Rippa over at the Intersection of Madness and Realtity (http://rippdemup.blogspot.com/) hits it with a vengeance. Writing like a mad man with mad plans running out of time, a brotha wants to school you, not try to fool you; So a brotha hits it hard but makes it plain on every issue, every post. Before you know it, you hear yourself saying, "Now that's real!" Check him out.
5. Sistah over at New Black Woman (http://www.thenewblackwoman.com/) breaks a favorite. Her posts not only possess strong content; they are varied as well. One day, she is talking about Karzai in Afghanistan, on another day the abuse of latinos in the American South, on yet another a crazy black man running for mayor in Mississippi who wants to bring back the rope to hang black so-called criminals. This blog expands your knowledge as well as make you think. Check out The New Black Woman.
Don't forget to put the Splash Award logo on your blog and follow the other rules above. Again, congratulations.
Congratulations Daddy! You have a great blog indeed!
Congrats, MacDaddy! A well deserved award! You're right about the comments...I love to read them and especially appreciate you comments on the comments.....This old teacher give you an A+ for content, effort, creatvity, humor, end even good grammar!!! Great picture, too!
oops...I forgot to mention scholarship and versatility!
This is a well deserved award for you my man. I have to be honest and say that finding your blog was indeed a brightspot for me. Definitely keep on doing what you're doing Mac. It would be different around here if you didn't.
Thanks for showing me the love. I don't know how well deserved it is, but if you say so, I guess I can't go wrong then.
congratulations macdaddy --you're a great and consistent blogger Keep up the good work! But what's this mermaid and cowboy duo pictured up top? :)
Congratulations on the blog award!
I visited the featured sites that you mentioned when accepting your award MacDaddy, and I was a little disturbed by the post on the Raving Black Lunitic blog.
Today's post was about "Trains". When women are coherced into having sex with rooms full of men, one right after the other.
It made my stomach turn just reading the post.
And of course I have heard of this before, I don't have my head stuck in the sand, but to read about it in graphic detail kind of turned my stomach.
Somebody: Always good to hear from you, bro. I hope you're doing well. You mentioned the Raving Black Lunatic's blog, something about forced sex. I didn't see that one. I know that he's been inspired by his minister to write about "The Seven Social Sins," tenets written by Gandhi. Here they are:
*Wealth Without Work
*Pleasure Without Conscience
*Knowledge Without Character
*Commerce (Business) Without Morality (Ethics)
*Science Without Humanity
*Religion Without Sacrifice
*Politics Without Principle
I want to thank you for coming by and making comments. That's an important part of this blog. Thanks for your contribution.
Nun: You're too kind. It feels good when a friend, when someone who knows me present and past work in the community, drops by and comments. It not only keeps us in contact with each other; it also holds me accountable. I know you're not going to let get by with any nonsense. Bless you, Sister.
Madmike: Thank you for dropping by and for your wonderful blog as well. I go to it everyday.
Rippa: Thanks and congrats to you as well. You right very thoughtful posts that are deep and entertaining at the same time. Blessings
You earned this recognition MacDaddy! I have RiPPa on my RSS feed so I keep up with his blog posts. The others are new to me. I look forward to checkin' them out!
peace, Villager
Thanks for the award man. I appreciate it.
And you deserve the award. You do a great job of highlighting black folks' history and tying it in to today's world. I like the different series you do, even if I don't always get a chance to read and comment on all of them.
Somebodie's friend
I apologize if the post was too graphic for you.
I was trying to discuss what is unfortunately a common occurrence in many neighborhoods, and a practice that perfectly illuminates Gandhi's sin of "pleasure with conscience."
Are you going to get back to the poetry series now?
Congratulations MacDaddy! As you know, we've only recently discovered each other in the black blogosphere, but in this short time, I can tell that you are most deserving of the Splash Award!
The voice that speaks through your posts does so with much integrity, compassion, and HEART! Now, that's a TRUE MACK, DADDY!
Thank you for the blogger brotha love! Sincerely, Corey @ I'll Keep You Posted!
Congratulations, Daddy, you totally deserve it. And leave it to you to mention your commenters. One more reason to keep coming. (I think that makes, like, 100 reasons.) ;-)
I am digging Corey @ ill keep you posted, I like the most recent post about the black church, and all the drama that can go along with it.
He makes a damn good case for the Unity church, maybe I'll give them a shout!
Heartfelt congratulations on your Splash Award, Daddy!
Thank you for the acknowledgment.
Daddy Congratulations! Blog or no blog I couldn't think of a better person who is more deserving. Thank you for being my #1 fan... (an inside joke) but you encourage me in ways you do not know! Peace and Blessings.
brownsugatou: The daddy got yo back.
Well deserved MacDaddy! I remember reading your first post and here you are with an award winning, deep, creative, soul-searching, life-meaning, blog that allows me to step in and depending on the post/series, can make me feel good, sad, inspired, challenged, angry, hopeful, and anything in-between. But most of all it makes me feel blessed to know you and to know that you are doing what you do best--writing and sharing it with a whole lot of other people!!!!!
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