--Sen. Ted Kennedy
Listen up. In President Obama's eloquent statement on the death of the great senator from Massachusetts, finer words were never spoken:
Michelle and I were heartbroken to learn this morning of the death of our dear friend, Senator Ted Kennedy.
For nearly five decades, virtually every major piece of legislation to advance the civil rights, health and economic well-being of the American people bore his name and resulted from his efforts.
His ideas and ideals are stamped on scores of laws and reflected in millions of lives -- in seniors who know new dignity; in families that know new opportunity; in children who know education's promise; and in all who can pursue their dream in an America that is more equal and more just, including me.
In the United States Senate, I can think of no one who engendered greater respect or affection from members of both sides of the aisle. His seriousness of purpose was perpetually matched by humility, warmth and good cheer. He battled passionately on the Senate floor for the causes that he held dear, and yet still maintained warm friendships across party lines. And that's one reason he became not only one of the greatest senators of our time, but one of the most accomplished Americans ever to serve our democracy.
I personally valued his wise counsel in the Senate, where, regardless of the swirl of events, he always had time for a new colleague. I cherished his confidence and momentous support in my race for the Presidency. And even as he waged a valiant struggle with a mortal illness, I've benefited as President from his encouragement and wisdom.
His fight gave us the opportunity we were denied when his brothers John and Robert were taken from us: the blessing of time to say thank you and goodbye. The outpouring of love, gratitude and fond memories to which we've all borne witness is a testament to the way this singular figure in American history touched so many lives.
For America, he was a defender of a dream. For his family, he was a guardian. Our hearts and prayers go out to them today -- to his wonderful wife, Vicki, his children Ted Jr., Patrick and Kara, his grandchildren and his extended family.
Today, our country mourns. We say goodbye to a friend and a true leader who challenged us all to live out our noblest values. And we give thanks for his memory, which inspires us still.
President Barack Obama
Tony Puck: Welcome and thanks for becoming a follower of daddyBstrong. Looking forward to you coming back and commenting, which makes the blog really interactive and engaging. Blessings.
President Obama—one of the greatest orators. What a change to go from a mumbling, bumbling fool to this great man. I don't care who criticizes Obama: he's got a lot of mess to clean up.
I have been alive to watch all three Kennedys depart from us. My heart's sadness as I stand at the end of an era is impossible to articulate
As I wrote in Mike's blog, "Camelot is dead." Those words have echoed in my mind all day.
Suddenly, I feel old—like I've lived long enough to know that a generation of hope and love has finally ended.
I wonder where we go from here...
On CSPAN Last night I saw Teddy's 1980 Democratic Convention speech in which he conceeded the Presidentual nomination to Jimmy Carter. I was amazed. It was all there: a personal commitment stated to the listening nation to contend for everything Barack Obama credited him for. When has anyone seen half a century's consistency in a political leader? When will anyone see it again?
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Dear MacDaddy,
I, too, read and heard the President's tribute to the greatest U.S. Senator of our times! I love that Ted Kennedy was so public about the fact that he was both blessed AND broken, like all of us.....I also read that he proabably did more than the other three brothers combined to realize their Dream.....While the man had human flaws, he never lost sight of the vast sea of Americans who had/have no voice....Witness, Civil Rights, Education, living, wage, The Diaabilities Act, Meals on wheels, The rights of Women, Health Care, and on and on....I taught young women,(for almost 30 yesrs) who, like Kennedy, had wealth and privilege....The best I could do was to educate them toward civic and global awareness....May the life of 'Teddy' be a role model for them all!!!
Thanks for giving him ink on your blog...I knew you would!
Thanks for sharing this piece on Ted Kennedy. I had not had a chance to hear or read President Obama's heartfelt comments so it was wonderful to catch them here. Today I was thinking back to the time I was invited by Senator Paul Wellstone to Washington to attend a session sponsored by the Hispanic Caucus and the Senate. Senator Wellstone had extended one of his two invitations to the event to me. At the luncheon there were 6 or 7 other Latino leaders from across the county seated at Paul's table along with Senator Hilary Clinton (still a fairly new senator at the time). I remember that trip fondly because of the special opportunity to spend time with Paul Wellstone but also because I was able to meet both Hilary Clinton and Ted Kennedy. I stumbled upon Senator Kennedy's office when I was walking down a hall and saw this massive picture of President John F. Kennedy hanging on an office wall. I quickly figured out that this was Ted Kennedy's office so stepped in. When his staff person asked if there was anything they could do to help me I just said I wanted to be able to tell my mom that I had been in the Senator's office and the staffer promptly produced a signed picture of Senator Kennedy to give to my mother. Needless to say, my mother was very happy to receive the picture and has treasured it ever since. Anyway, thanks for the opportunity to stroll down memory lane.
We have lost a giant.
Sen. Kennedy can never be replaced and he shouldn't be.
Let his huge legislative legacy stand as an example of what it means to be a liberal.
I will always miss "Teddy."
I somehow missed this wonderful post earlier.
Senator Kennedy was a great man who will be forever missed. I watched every minute of the funeral services and listened to all of the speeches and commentary. We were lucky indeed to have this man serving ALL of the people.
Stell: " I wonder where we go from here."
Stella: Me too.
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