Holiday cheer.
*Happy Holidays field hands!*
Let's see what happens in the new year with this Elon Musk presidency. It
should be very interesting.
If you voted again...
1 day ago
Hello. Come on in. The daddy writes about current events, literature, music and, once in a while, drops something on you from back in the day to make you pause and ponder, stop and stare, and begin to wonder. Who knows? You may start to pace the floor, shake your head from side to side, then fall down on bended knees in a praying position and cry, "Lawd, have mercy! What is this world coming to?" Check yourself! But this blog is NOT about the daddy. It's about you: your boos, your fam, your hood, your country...our hopes and dreams of a better tomorrow. So let's make a pact: the daddy will put it on the track if you'll chase it down and hit him back. Together, we can definitely take it to another level. Shall we?"
They cooped you in their kitchens,
They penned you in their factories,
They gave you the jobs that they were too good for,
They tried to guarantee happiness to themselves
By shunting dirt and misery to you.
You sang:
Me an’ muh baby gonna shine, shine.
Me an’ muh baby gonna shine.
The strong men keep a-comin’ on.
The strong men git stronger…
— From “Strong Men” by poet Sterling Brown
Looking for a job, McDaddy? he asking rev. wright after explaining himself to white people to go back to Chicago and register 100,000 to 1 million new black voters, the ones that he cost barack after speaking to bill moyers and the ineffective Detroit NAACP meeting last week.
It appears that the spin doctors of Madison avenue are going to push Hillary in as the presidential contender after all.
When you go to Barack's aid, say hello to bro. Tyrone Funderburk, from Minneapolis. He is one of the advance people in Obama's campaign, doing the necessary door knocking and ground floor organizing. peace & hair grease. kwasi
You know: Barack could stand by his denunciation of that snippet of Rev. Wright's speech and still point out the corporate media's lack of balance and fairness in their dealing with Wright's speech. No attempt to place the speech in context. No attempt to place Rev. Wright in the same mold of black minister/advocates as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., who spoke out against the US government's involvement in Vietnam as pointedly (though perhaps more eloquently) as Rev. Wright spoke out against the Bush administration. And I think the public would understand. Hey, if I get a chance, And, i'll holler at Tyrone for you.
Hey, Kwasi: Fox News, which couldn't stop playing out of context Re. Wright's speech and calling him an unpatriotic, angry black man, bills itself as "fair and balanced."
That one's good for a laugh, huh?
You've listed all the things I've been thinking. I hope he takes you up on them!
Mountain Laurel: Thanks. Let's hope Obama can transcend the swiftboating and the corporate media to become our next president. Now, I know he won't be able to perform miracles, but i do think he will bring our soldiers home from Iraq and get a good healthcare plan and do something to help the country. Visit again. Thank you.
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