Dear Mac,
If you blinked, you might have missed it.
With the media still covering Michael Jackson's death, and the circus surrounding reality TV stars Jon and Kate Gosselin, you might have missed an important story that broke this week.
The Government Accountability Office (GAO), the investigative arm of Congress, released a stunning new report detailing significant barriers faced by many female veterans when accessing VA care. Some of the crucial findings include:
- Privacy standards for women veterans at VA facilities aren't being met.
- Comprehensive primary care is still not available for women veterans at all hospitals and clinics.
- The VA still has shortages of qualified women's health and mental health care providers.
This is unacceptable. With more women serving than ever, the VA must work to ensure they receive the care they've earned. Female troops have shown incredible courage in defending our country, and are entitled to the same support and recognition as their male peers.
We want you to know IAVA is working every day to make this a reality. We're on the front lines on Capitol Hill and in the media, fighting for better care and benefits, and ensuring that women's issues are a top priority.
Next month, we're releasing a groundbreaking Issue Report on women in the military, based on extensive research and the experiences of IAVA Member Veterans. Want to be the first to read it? Sign up for mobile alerts by texting REPORT to 69866. We'll send you a text message as soon as the report launches.
Thank you for standing with us.
Note: The Daddy can't wait to read this report from one of the finest military organizations out there. How about you?
I'll try and keep this deep subject brief and to the point since raining on someones parade is not my point.
Perhaps the VA in Colorado Springs is 100 miles from Colorado by air. Our VA has at least two female counselors for both male and female. My doctor at the VA is a female AIG major who does outstanding work.
The Vet Center in Colorado Springs is run by a retired E-7 female who again does outstanding work in counseling. Every member of the staff is a veteran both male and female.
The next time you talk to someone from IAVA, Veterans of Foreign Wars, American Legion ask them how many counselers they have on their staff. The answer is zero.
That is one of the reasons I severed most of my ties with many of the veteran organizations. The bottom line is are they gathering money for their organization [saleries, parties, Friday night dances] or are they really spending the money on helping both male and female veterans?
This is a tuff call in many areas of the United States. You and I are on the same page here, but watch for the "sellouts." The IAVA never came here that I know of and ask one male or female soldier [40,000] how the care at the VA was!
Daddy: I'm with rainy on this one. My experience exactly....
"The next time you talk to someone from IAVA, Veterans of Foreign Wars, American Legion ask them how many counselers they have on their staff. The answer is zero."
'Ghe IAVA never came here that I know of and ask one male or female soldier [40,000] how the care at the VA was!"
Rainy: What I am hearing from you and MadMike is a healthy distrust of the military and military organizations. I'll keep it in mind. After what they did to Pat Tillman and his family, I have a healthy bit of both the military and military organizations that say they're out to help vets. But I'll keep it in mind.
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