Hello. Come on in. The daddy writes about current events, literature, music and, once in a while, drops something on you from back in the day to make you pause and ponder, stop and stare, and begin to wonder. Who knows? You may start to pace the floor, shake your head from side to side, then fall down on bended knees in a praying position and cry, "Lawd, have mercy! What is this world coming to?" Check yourself! But this blog is NOT about the daddy. It's about you: your boos, your fam, your hood, your country...our hopes and dreams of a better tomorrow. So let's make a pact: the daddy will put it on the track if you'll chase it down and hit him back. Together, we can definitely take it to another level. Shall we?"

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


"We can renew our nation the same way that we have in the many years since Lincoln's first Thanksgiving: by coming together to overcome adversity."
-- President Barack Obama
"After Obama gives his turkey pardon on Wednesday, the pardoned bird (rumored to actually be two birds) will fly first class to California to head up the Disney Thanksgiving Day Parade. They will then live at Big Thunder Ranch in Frontierland at Disneyland in Anaheim, California."

Listen up. Today, the Daddy is feeling the Progressive Report and its list of things to be which to be thankful. So the Daddy is posting this list as a starter to get you thinking, to get you to answer this one question: "What are you thankful for on this Thanksgiving weekend?"


27 Reasons To Give Thanks

We're thankful President Obama is thinking long and hard about committing more troops and money to Afghanistan.

We're thankful President Bush feels liberated now.

We're (not) thankful Dick Cheney has elected to move from his undisclosed location to the media spotlight.

We're thankful Al Franken has gone from playing self-help guru Stuart Smalley on Saturday Night Live to helping rape victims receive justice from their employers.

We're thankful for the healing power of beer.

We're thankful there are some on the right who think Glenn Beck is "incoherent," "mindless," "erratic," "bizarre," and "harmful to the conservative movement."

We're thankful for long hikes on the Appalachian Trail.

We're thankful Michael Steele understands that he can't "do policy" and that no one has any reason to trust his "words or actions."

We're (not) thankful for "birthers," "deathers," "tenthers," or "tea baggers."

We're (not) thankful conservatives believe they love America so much that they can root for our President to fail and for our nation to lose out on hosting the Olympics.

We're thankful NFL players refused to "bend over and grab the ankles" for Rush Limbaugh.

We're thankful six companies have resigned from the Chamber of Commerce due to its denial of climate change science.

We're thankful Falcon "Balloon boy" Heene wasn't actually in the balloon.

We're thankful Lt. Dan Choi and Lt. Col Victor Fehrenbach bravely spoke out against Don't Ask, Don't Tell.

We're thankful Shep Smith doesn't always drink the Fox News kool-aid.

We're thankful more than 80 companies refused to lend their sponsorship to Glenn Beck's hateful rants.

We're thankful there are progressive organizations in D.C. lobbying for a two-state solution in the Middle East.

We're (not) thankful for the filibuster.

We're thankful that more than 20,000 of you stood up to Bill O'Reilly's harassment machine and called for impeachment hearings against torture advocate Jay Bybee.

We're thankful that Iran's authoritarian rulers live in fear of their own population.

We're thankful we'll no longer have to listen to nativist rhetoric on CNN and global warming skepticism on ABC News.

We're (not) thankful for bailed out CEOs who think they're doing "God's work" by doling out billions in bonuses.

We're thankful for the legacy of the Liberal Lion.

We're thankful Bill O'Reilly won't be following us home for Thanksgiving.

We're thankful a "wise Latina" sits on the Supreme Court.

We're thankful our boss helped rescue imprisoned American journalists in North Korea.

We're thankful for our readers and the support you give us.

So what are you thankful for on this Thanksgiving?


Oso said...

I'm thankful to be employed.

Nun in the Hood said...

Daddy...I'm THANKFUL for you, for your wisdom and insight, for your goodness and sense of justice and right!

Mac Daddy Tribute Blog said...

Oso: Oh yeah. In today's economy, that cannot be taken for granted.

Nuninthehood: You humble me. God bless you and the wonderful work you do on the Northside. Blessings.

XO said...

I'm thankful you are in my life. You reinforce my intention to live each day to the fullest.

Vigilante said...

Next to the healing powers of beer, I'm thankful for the powerful seers and writers I encounter in the Blogosphere, MacDaddy. Of which you number prominently.

Kit (Keep It Trill) said...

Mac, I'm thankful for you, your blog, and your book.

I'm also thankful for the many bloggers who have enriched my mind or simply entertained me.

I'm thankful for my family, and the mercy that God has shown us during the tough times.

Unknown said...

I'm thankful to you and other bloggers willing to speak powerful truths in unambiguous ways.

I'm thankful to my parents for all that they did to raise me and my brother and my two sisters.

I'm thankful to my family and former wives who continue to have faith and confidence in me.

I'm thankful to a God who has been patient with me for these many years as I work to understand His purpose for me and my life.

I hope all villagers have a safe and happy Thanksgiving holiday weekend.

peace, Villager

Mac Daddy Tribute Blog said...

xo: Thanks.

Vigilante: You're too kind. Thanks.

Kit: Thanks. Did you get the book? Have you read it? Let me know what you think.

Villager: Coming from a blogger who speaks truth to power, that means a lot. I will do my best to keep it going. The best to you and family.


Kentucky Rain said...

Wonderful! I am thankful for my friends. I am thankful that I live in a country that will allow me to write what I choose without fear of retribution. I am thankful for my health. I am thankful for President Obama. I am thankful that my mother is still in our world and that we talk often. I am thankful that I can come here and enjoy your wonderful writings. Have a happy day with your family and be safe!

Anna Renee said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you MacDaddy! I'm thankful for my life and my family and friends and blogger friends!