- Leo Buscaglia
Listen up. The Daddy was emailed and asked about the laws related to prosecuting a domestic violent perpetrator. The Daddy has to admit he is not familiar with the laws in detail. But here's a post by eHow that gives the basic history of the definition, punishment, therapy and protection related to dealing with the domestic violence perpetrator.
Also, remember: there are different laws in different states. Some are very complex. But this piece will give you a basic idea of the process that law enforcement uses in dealing with domestic violent perpetrators and the most important law in domestic violence: Violent Against Women Act (VAWA), landmark legislation in dealing with the issue. Check it out.
Spousal Abuse Laws
Spousal abuse or domestic violence laws are designed to serve three primary and essential purposes.
First, these statutes are created to penalize appropriately those individuals who are guilty of committing crimes of spousal abuse.
Second, spousal abuse laws include provisions designed to require an offender to participate in therapeutic programming in hopes of preventing a re-occurrence of this crime.
Finally, spousal abuse laws are drafted with a component intended to provide at least some protection to the victim from further assault by the offender.
Additional Notes from The Daddy:
The most import law is The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), which was developed and passed through the hard work of Sheila Wellstone, the late wife of senator Paul Wellstone. Both died in an airplane crash in 2002, I believe. Initially passed in 1994 VAWA created the the first federal legislation acknowledging domestic violence and sexual assaults as crimes, and it provided funding resources to combat this violence.
It provided the first federal legislation to provide federal resources to for community responses to combating the violence. In 2ooo, in enhanced the foundation it created with a much-needed legal assistance program. It also expanded the domestic against women by covering dating violence and stalking.
The reauthorizes VAWA of 2oo5 took a broader approach and covered other areas of domestic violence, including the following:- developing prevention strategies to stop the violence before it starts,
- protecting individuals from unfair eviction due to their status as victims of domestic violence or stalking,/LI>
- creating the first federal funding stream to support rape crisis centers,
- developing culturally- and linguistically-specific services for communities,
- enhancing programs and services for victims with disabilities, and
- broadening VAWA service provisions to include children and teens.
When are you going to get back to music and poetry?
In the UK we have specialist domestic violence courts that can Order people to complete accredited programmes through probation.
Alex: We have these programs too. But it's debatable how effective. I ran such a program as a part of my violence prevention business. I hired a consultant evaluate my program over 18 months. He said that, for the first year, he couldn't find where any of the participants engaged in domestic violence, although he did say a few engaged in other types of violence outside the home. He also that, after 12 months, he couldn't find many of the participants. He said they do a lot of moving around. So, after 18 months, I didn't know effective my own program was. I think this is true of many of the programs here in the U.S.
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