1. Sen. John Edwards? Good thought, but he has already signaled that he doesn't want the job. But he'd make a great Attorney General.
2. General Wesley Clark? Another good guess. But the good general doesn't want it either. He wants a position where he would be more involved with the military such as Secretary of Defense or Secretary of State.
3. Sen. Hillary Clinton? The daddy gets it: politically, the two of them on the same ticket would make Obama's ascension to the presidency a sure bet. But Sen. Obama is going to be the next president anyway. Second, Sen. Clinton carries too much baggage with her. Fairly or unfairly, rightly or wrongly, she's associated with a Clinton administration that was wrecked with political and personal scandals, much of it self-manufactured. Third, Sen. Clinton is not liked very much. Sure, she's being hyped now by a small segment of white women and a white corporate media that sees any conflict as an opportunity to increase ratings and the financial bottom line. But the truth is that the populace as a whole doesn't like her. And her high negative ratings prove it. That's why Republicans want her on the ticket with Obama's ticket: so they can smear Obama through her. Sorry. However, she'd be great as Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare or a member of the Supreme Court.
No, the daddy predicts that the next Vice-President of these United States will be...Kathleen Sebelius, incumbent governor of Kansas. Why? Let the daddy count the ways:
1. She's a woman. All the fuss about selecting Sen. Clinton as VP compels Sen. Obama to pick a woman as a running mate;
2. She's a governor. Most presidents and Vice-Presidents were governors, at least in modern times anyway;
3. She's not just a governor. She is a very popular governor of Kansas, a Republican state;
4. She is well known in national democratic circles as a smart, centrist democrat who can work with Republicans to get things done. She was considered as a running mate for Al Gore in 2000 and John Kerry in 2004. No, now is not Sen. Clinton's time; it's Governor's Sebelius' time. You see, the good governor's political positions (pro-choice, universal healthcare, etc.) and personal savvy just happens are very similar to Obama's; and
5. Sen. Obama already knows that, coming off a grueling primary and smear-laden general election, President Obama will want to work with someone who knows how to sweat the details of issues like healthcare and voter ID laws and when to check the ego, build on relationships and get the job done. Vice-President Kathleen Sebelius will do that.
And get this: a loyal Vice President will position herself to run for president in 2016 as the first woman president of our land.
Now, talk to the daddy. Is he on to something?
MCCAIN WOULD EAT THAT TICKET ALIVE WITH LACK OF FOREIGN RELATIONS EXPERIENCE. DID YOU FORGET HE'S HIRED KARL ROVE? With their lack of experience and Karl's patented scare tactics, they'd be dead in the water. Nice try though, Daddy.
Forgot to mention my guess: Jim Webb of VA.
Or Hillary-- with the outside chance that Caroline Kennedy can vet Bill Clinton enough to reveal his library donors and other sources of income and it passes the smell test. Highly unlikely but with the tidal wave of support lingering for Hillary, they have to at least go through the motions. And Bill could surprise.
Have to disagree with you on "Gen Wesley Clark not wanting it" He'd love to answer the call and as a practical matter very few would/could say NO to be a running mate. (Face it, John Edwards has personal reasons not to run a grueling race and besides he'll be on the cabinet) You just don't say no to "the call". Besides all his military and international and leadership experience is EXACTLY why he would balance the ticket. Plus the grey hair --maturity! And he has cred in disputing McCain's many foreign relations gaffes lately. We've already know him as a presidential candidate. Kathleen has none of the above.
anon1: Some are making that argument and suggesting that Obama ask Sam Nunn to come aboard the ticket. That was the same argument they pushed to Bush, which is how we got Cheney. It's an experience vs. judgment argument at a time when people want change. So far, Obama has been winning those arguments. So has Sebelius; and she's been doing it in a very conservative state. As for Karl Rove, we've already had to deal with one in the form of hit-man tactics of the Hillary campaign. It's nothing new. And now that he's not opposing someone from his own party, Obama will fight hard. He's tougher and smarter than people think.
anon2: I like Jim Webb too. And his military experience is excellent. But he's said some things about women that could come back to haunt him. I think a woman will be on the ticket, and it won't be Sen. Clinton. And I don't think there's a smarter or more popular one (in democratic circles) than Sebelius. And as far using Bill Clinton help with fund raising, I'm sure Obama's people will find a way to utilize him. But many of Clinon's donors have already switched to Obama. This began shortly after Sen. Clinton made some negative statements about Moveon.org. She was smarting because they endorsed Obama. But other donors were angered by her statements as well. They remembered that this was the organization that started to help her husband who was being attacked by the Republican attack-dog machine. The fact that many of them switched to Obama is, in part, the reason the Clinton campaign is in debt to the tune of 20 million. Plus, the Obama people are very good with online fundraising. The best.
I just got an e-mail saying Obama is going to pick Jim Webb. We'll see.
Macdaddy I think you missed my point about the donors...I meant the only way Hillary would EVER be on the ticket is IF Bill Clinton would REVEAL his library donors and other sources of income. You know VET him to rule out suspicious foreign government, lobbyist, corporate interest type donors Obama would NEVER allow to taint his campaign. Smart guy that he is, Obama knows Bill is unlikely to go for this deep vetting and "voila" he has his "OUT" and can't name Hillary! I love this strategy!!
I hate to be bland, but my suspicion has been that O man will pick some icon of the white male working class. I think McCain will pick some young confident white male working class hero also. I think the politica leadership is shaken deeply right now and will insist upon it.
I do hope I'm wrong, but there is a certain description of what a candidate or major party leader must be (see BrotherKomrade's post on such matters) and both O and McBush may feel that they need to apply that to win.
russert just suggested Al Gore with a fairly compelling argument in that he couldn't say NO if Obama said he NEEDED him to finally change our energy policy, save the earth etc
anon: Al Gore? I would love it!
Oooh, Al Gore would be awesome!
I was leaning toward Webb, but I understand that he has some anti-woman baggage (have no idea what it is) and the last thing O needs to do is further piss off feminists. Daddy, I REALLY like Kathleen Sebelius. Women could rally around her and she might help us swing Kansas.
anon: I did miss your point about Bill Clinton. You're right: he won't reveal his donors because the truth is that he has been getting by governments to lobby the U.S. government to get trade agreements. Thanks for correcting me.
Tami: I got a couple of feminist friends who told me about the sexism in Jim Webb's writing. But they didn't get me any sources. I'll see what I can find out and shoot you a note. By the way, Because I think of you as a writer, I hope you like the piece I did on one of my favorite writers, Gwendolyn Brooks. Blessings.
sagacious: Obama may pick some "icon of the working class." I hear Gov. Rendell is on the short list of VP candidates. They say he's highly respected by the working class. But I don't know if he can deliver Pennsylvania. According to the field negro, Pennsylvania is one of the most racist states in the country. We'll see.
I think he's going with Webb too. Daddy, that stuff about him denouncing women was started by George Allen, his Republican opponent for senate. Karl Rove stuff.
If Wesley Clark is chosen, he will eat McCain's lunch everyday until the election. Every damned day. And afterwards, he will be a tremendous asset to President Obama in foreign affairs. Don't forget, Clark can't be Secy of Defense, and the Democrats are very deep in Secy of State candidates. Clark is a legondary campaigner and fund-raiser: ask the vets if you don't think so.
vigilante: Good points. I do think he would make an excellent choice. He's suggested that he doesn't want the VP. In fact, he's the one who suggested Governor Sebelius. But what General is going to say no when a guy like Obama ask them to come on the ticket, huh? And, yes, he's good in debates and good with the press.
caroline kennedy (see my comments under previous jim webb post)
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