--Dr. Martin Luther King, civil rights speech at the march on Washington, August 28, 1963
"We are united with the Democrats behind the Obama-Biden presidential campaign to change America," declared Leo W. Gerard, president of the United Steelworkers (USW) after Obama's nationally televised acceptance speech. "It's high time to return our government to hard working families."
--from PRNewswire-USNewswire
Tonight, the son of a single mother who at one point used food stamps, accepted his party's nomination for president of the United States, the first African American nonminee from a major political party.
Tonight, on the 45th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech, more than 84,000 jubilant, dancing, singing, chanting supporters packed the Denver's Invesco field to cheer Barack Obama on as he called for a break from the past eight years and new day for America.

Pat Bucahanon, conservative Republican and commentator for MSNBC, got it right when he said that Obama's speech was not a liberal speech or conservative speech so much as an American speech.
What he did not say was thatno Obama campaign would have happened were it not for the Jessie Jacksons, the Al Sharptons, the Shirley Chisholms and the Fannie Lou Hamers who ran before him. There would be no Obama campaign were it not for the nameless, faceless people who

What they didn't say is that meaningful change always comes from the ground up.
Yeah, I was worried that BHO couldn't top HRC, but he did. Some may say, marginally. But BHO can bring it. He's a TEN to McCain's ZERO. But look out for the pimps, punks and the prostitutes pandering within the ranks of the MSM punditry. They will do their damnest to bring him down because BHO's the only candidate in years who can speak around them and over them, directly to the people. He's over-qualified to be President on Day One. Obviously, the media doesn't want that day to come to pass.
I agree. I'm very concerned at the way the media has injected themselves into the race, not as reporters and analysts of it, but as manipulators of it. For example, they kept gave attention to this supposed army of Hillary supporters, running around to find a disgruntled woman and getting her to badmouth Obama. All hype. In their efforts to get high ratings and keep their sorry ass jobs, they are manipulating the news.
WOW! wHAT A GREAT DAY FOR AMERICA! This morning I had coffee with a Greyhound bus driver who has worked by the sweat of his brow to 'pull the wagon' (his words) of his family of six for the past several years....He is typical of those who spoke last evening before BHO's historic moment. My bus driver friend said, " Finally....Finally ...we have someone who truly cares about us." I agree that the Media will make of this historic moment what they will...On our part, let's help Obama keep the DREAM alive and the VISION visible by not descending to make small shots at the 'other side'....This is the moment for a new kind of political strategy....Let's go for it!!!
Hey, Macdaddy, you must have a poem for this day!
Did Obama do enough to win? Did his speech convert any of the 20% I have spoke of previously or was he preaching to the choir?
just asking because thats y asked what happens if obama looses? and questioned the Biden selection
BHO. You done good. I'm proud of him and his team. They've continued to show sound judgment during this campaign.
I'm looking forward to the debates. The media is indeed an issue and one that needs to be addressed.
They are dangerously irresponsible and slanderous. However, this comes as no surprise considering the corp. big wigs that pull their strings, are afraid of an energized/mobilized American public.
Let the games begin!
nun: Yes, it was a great day for America. I hope America shows its appreciation for this day by voting for Obama/Biden. Thanks.
rawdawg: I think he's done everything he can do. I should add that Sen. Hillary Clinton and Pres. Bill Clinton did their part as well. This is no longer about Obama but white America. Can they get past race and simply vote for the best candidate? We'll see.
sdg: I think Obama did a great job. He didn't just make speeched. He ran a great campaign, a well-oiled machine. That, plus Bill Clintons big mouth in South Carolina, is what did Sen. Clinton in. But his speech last night was one of the greatest of all times. Even if he doesn't become president. History will be kind to him.
Thanks for reminding us how real change occurs and who makes it happen.
Hey there MacDaddy!
I haven't been to your place in a while!! I see you are putting in some work over here, my brotha!
I haven't been following the action in Denver so thank you for sharing your thoughts!
I am certainly NOT part of the Obama worship segment of the black blogosphere. Cosmetic blackness does not produce radical social change for people of color. It remains to be seen whether the Obama presidency will produce radical shifts in the dismantling of white supremacist patriarchy or if we just have another Clarence Thomas taking up residency on Pennsylvania Avenue!
Peace, blessings and DUNAMIS!
Hi, Lisa:
I have some appreciation for Obama for organizational skills and his intellect. But, like you, I worship no centrist politician. As is suggested by the post, my greatest appreciation is for those who organize the masses. I wonder if Americans, especially African Americans, understand the sacrifices so many made for a Barack Obama to be nominated by a majority party in the U.S. I'm thinking about Fannie Lou Hamer who was arrested by Mississippi policeman for trying to register blacks to vote. I remember her telling how the white policemen forced two black men to beat her until their arms got tired. Then they took their turn. She almost died from the beatings, but a few months later she was organizing again.
No matter what happens to Obama, we should never forget the Fannie Lou Hamers that made the Obamas possible.
Love you, Lisa. p.s. The piece you wrote about black women on the down low should be required reading for all black folks.
I am still shining from the history that was made. I look forward to the future my children will lead knowing that something like this has happened in America. Seriously - as idealistic as that sounds, when Obama wins this election, we will be in a new era of change, that people in my generation (late 20s) has not had the opportunity to experience. The change we have lived has been on the struggle of our parents and those before them. I'm excited to be a part of a monumental change that is about to take place.
blackstar: Welcome. Yes, Obama's election as President of the U.S. would make a great new turn in this country's young history. Look forward to hearing from you again.
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