Kwanzaa Day 2: "Self Determination"

On this day, the people who celebrate Kwanzaa and who try to practice its principles throughout the year:
*Pledge to define ourselves, to NAME ourselves, to create for ourselves, and to speak for ourselves, instead of being defined, named by, created for and spoken for by others. On this day we design for ourselves a positive future and then vow to make that prophecy -- that DREAM -- a self-fulfilling one.
What do you think about when you think of self-determination?
Mac, you're really making us think! Great.
The only thing I wish Karenga had done differently was use English as a heading rather than a subtitle for each day. This particular African dialect have words are hard to pronounce and impossible (for me) to remember. Otherwise his concept of Kwanzaa is an extremely valuable gift.
Day 2 - Self-determination. A major step in the psychological growth of attaining self-actualization and being true to one's self. Never easy, and poverty and lack of education in particular is an impediment.
To some degree it's not be possible for those who have negative influences to struggle with from their family, friends, community, nation and/or the world.
I had to live a long time before I came as far as I have in this area.
Self-determination is absolutely essential for us as a people. We have been named, defined, and determined by others for too long. In fact, we brought these principles to this country with us on slave ships and sorely need to reclaim them.
I'm totally feeling this, MacDaddy. My plan for the new year is to find myself again, so self-determination has been on my mind big time. I'm enjoying your lessons :-).
Great post McDaddy.
You do really give us something to think about.
Between you and the comments from the others, you guys just about have it covered.
I'm not even going to waste my breath trying to reword what has already been stated so well.
Daddy, For me, self determination is taking the world by the balls instead of the world taking you by the balls. It's about defining one's future instead of having it defined for you. What a difficult task in this modern world where we are bombarded with the media telling us what we should and shouldn't be doing, what we ought to have and how we need to get it.
Peoples' options seem to be shrinking.
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