Sjp over at Sojourner's Place talks about the virus and has put up sites where you can get more info. Sjp says:
"HIV/AIDS has been a global epidemic for more than 27 years. Most of today's youth have never known a world without it. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently published national HIV incidence (new infections) that showed much higher numbers that previous estimates." Check her out.
But CurvyGurl really lays it down. She said the main thing is to educate yourself:
"Here we are over 20 years since the "discovery" of HIV/AIDS and infections are still on the rise...a devastating yet preventable disease. The origin of which is still debated, but that’s not important. What’s important is that we take the time to educate
ourselves and not have an “it’s not my problem” attitude."
ourselves and not have an “it’s not my problem” attitude."
1. Go to Sojourner's Place site;
2. Read her post and check out the resources she has there.
3. For a good perspective, read the CurvyGurl's post.
4. Get updates from the Center for Disease Control. They have good statistics, including how this disease affects specific population: Women (specific groups within the category of women), men, African Americans, Native Americans, Hispanic, etc.
The daddy is asking, How much do you know about this disease? How can you share information about if, if you don't know much about yourself?
This is the least I could do, MacDaddy. I realize that I've been remiss in my efforts to stay involved in the issues that affect our world from a health perspective. It requires a renewed commitment on my part, but I'm up for the challenge. I appreciate your recognition :-).
A report that came out yesterday from Stanford University indicates that HIV has been around at least 14 million years and just recently jumped to humans. They found that lemurs on Madagascar have had HIV since the island broke away from the mainland some 14 million years ago. Interesting article in The Guardian.
CurvyGurl: Thanks.
Rainywalker: This sounds like great info. I'm going to see if I can find it online. Thanks.
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