generation, and raised important questions about the relation of black Americans to national history and memorial. Du Bois’s soldiers of democracy’ may not have won the fight against racial injustice in the USA, but they left a powerful legacy to an African American culture which played such a crucial role in that fight in the years to come."
--Dr. Mark Whalin
Add to your list of master poets the name of Rita Dove, the first African American poet laureate of the
You didn't want us when we left
but we went.
You didn't want us coming back
but here we are.
In "Alfonzo Prepares To Go Over The Top," Dove puts us on the front lines, showing
us war in all of its horror ("moves ass and balls, over tearing twigs and crushed
faces") and a soldier's life ("hear the leaves? I am already memory") as pawn
in a bigger game and temporary at best:
Alfonzo Prepares To Go Over The Top
A soldier waits until he's called- then
moves ass and balls, over
tearing twigs and crushed faces,
swinging his bayonet like a pitchfork
and thinking anything's better
than a trench, ratshit
and the tender hairs of chickweed.
A soldier is smoke
waiting for wind: he's a long corridor
clanging to the back of a house
where a child sings
in its ruined nursery...
and beauty is the
gleam of my eye on this gunstock and my spit
drying on the blade of this knife
before it warms itself in the gut of a kraut.
Mother, forgive me. Hear the leaves? I am
already memory.
In Bill Moyer's The Language of Life, Dove said of poetry:
"By making us stop for a moment, poetry gives us the opportunity to think about ourselves
on this planet and what we mean to each other...Equally important is the connection poetry
emphasizes of human being to human being: What are we doing to make everyone's lives
better, and not materially, but spiritually as well? I think that why poetry has often been
considered dangerous."
Rita Dove: Thank you.
daddy, who are the soldiers in the picture?
May I add the poets who first touched my heart: Langston Hughes and Dorothy Parker. Great blog, MacDaddy.
I just found Langston Hughes below! Thank you!
After 39 years I can still close my eyes and see the blood running like fresh warm jello down the ranp of a C-130 and feel the fading warmth of life. This poem brings all that back and I can faintly smell death and know that it is not far off. It follows us and waits for that one slip, one mistake, that will be unforgiving. Great poet.
anon; They are some of the soldiers from the 369th infantry. The soldiers from the 369th received an award from France for their bravery in war called The French de Gurere for Gallantry. They were the type of black soldiers that Dove is talking about in the poem.
stella: Thanks for the compliment, but, at the risk of sounding ignorant, I don't know about Dorothy Parker. If you get a chance, let me know a little about her and why she touches your heart.
rainywalker: Thanks for sharing your recollections. I've never been to war. But I have two friends who have. They're Vietnam vets. Over the 20 or so years that I've known them, I can't recall them talking about war very much. But when they've talked, there was a shared understanding between them, a level of connection between them based on experience that I could understand intellectually. And, like you, their memories were vivid.
Unlike me, they know a lot about military history; and the last time they reminded me that Gen. Eisenhower ran as an anti-war candidate in 1956 to end the Korean war, which he did. They were pretty convinced that civilian leaders like VP Dick Cheney are more likely to go to war than military persons like Gen. Eisenhower or Gen. Colin Powell, or any military people who have seen war up close.
I think you would like these guys.
The soldiers in the picture are:
Left to right. Front row: Pvt. Ed Williams, Pvt. Herbert Taylor, Pvt. Leon Fraitor, Pvt. Ralph Hawkins. Back Row: Sgt. H. D. Prinas, Sgt. Dan Strorms, Pvt. Joe Williams, Pvt. Alfred Hanley, and Cpl. T. W. Taylor.
Keep talking to me through these poets...
You're "gonna" make me say somethings to you in email...(smile)
rita is the shit
u got good taste folk
I added a comment on my latest blog that you are welcome to use my poem. Thanks.
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