--Lucille Clifton
"People wish to be poets more than they wish to write poetry, and that's a mistake. One should wish to celebrate more than one wishes to be celebrated."
--Lucille Clifton
Poet Lucille Clifton is the winner of the 2007 Ruth Lilly Poetry Prize, one of the most prestigious awards given to American poets. In the year 2000, she won the National Book Award for her poetry book, Blessing the Boats: New and Selected Poems 1988-2000. Two of her poetry collections (Good Woman: Poems and a Memoir 1969-1980, and Next: New Poems), were chosen as finalists for the Pulitzer Prize in 1988. She was elected Chancellor of The Academy of American Poets in 1999. She served as poet laureate of Maryland from 1974 to 1985. She continues to write great poetry today.
My Sassy Lucille*
by Mac Walton, aka, MacDaddy
--for poet Lucille Clifton
They say you won’t do your sister will.
I say you just sassy, a might brassy and
I likes my black coffee just the way it is.
I likes yo thick, moist lips,
that wide butt, them fine swinging hips.
They say you won’t do your sister’s will.
I say I likes yo ear fine-tuned, yo eyes deep-set,
Them eyes that see past me, me and my white shirt
Pillin, me and my top button Missing, me and my
Ring-around-the-collar getting darker and darker, me and
My dreams of you, me and my sweet dreams of you and me,
Brothers and sisters united again, listening and hearing again,
The way it once was, the way it always outta be—free.
They say you won’t do your sister’s will.
I say keep juicing them thick, red lips and
Rocking that big butt, swinging them wide hips.
Keep hearing my loud laughter over BB's "Rock me, baby," over
Barbecue steaming from mama’s crowded kitchen.
Keep feeling my hunger cry out from busy subways, lonely
Park benches and half-frozen, dirty ditches cuz
They say you won’t do your sister’s will.
I say you just sassy, a might brassy, and
I likes my black coffee just the way it is.
* from book soon to be published
The Sixties: Yes, I Remember
by Mac Walton
Mac, this is one of my favorites...have you shared it with Lucille? I think she would like it and be flattered. When can we expect your book of poetry and will you have an e-version we can download?
Another blast from the past. Another great poem MacDaddy. I'm also excited to know when we can expect your book, I'm looking forward to reading it and sharing it with others.
Mac, you old dog, you!
Keep howlin!
XO: No, I never did. That's a great idea. I'll send it to her. I think the book will be published in a couple of weeks; and, yes, people will be able to get an e-version at a very reasonable price. I'll let people know how they can purchase the book without leaving their computer.
Somebody: I hope I don't sound conceited, but I think you will really appreciate the book.
Sagacious: Thanks, I think...When are you going to start posting on your blog again?
I had the opportunity of meeting and cooking for Mrs. Clifton a few years ago at a book signing in St. Cloud MN, it was an honor as she is truly an insightful and gifted writer. The nature of sending my food out into the universe and seeing who it attracts, continuously amazes me and keeps me doing what I do - this is key, I have met some wonderful people by simply doing what I love to do - the reward is great.
This is my last read for the night. I enjoyed your poem very much.
I'll be looking forward to reading your book.
I like the feel of this piece - will be sure to support you and get a copy of the book.
Eric, Msladydeborah, Nicki: Thank you. I'm going to get the poetry book as soon as I can. It's already written. It's just a question of finishing getting published and placed on the blog so people will know how to purchase it. Stay tuned.
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