WTF? No violence. No fisticuffs. No Saturday night specials. No buildings firebombed. No chase scenes. And no plot (Not that a good plot was ever that important to you). Oh, and BTW, no Sistahs either. Sorry, fellas. So who do you think this movie was made for?
But seriously, this movie is not to be taken seriously. It's light weight stuff about four neurotic women and how they've moved on since their show ended on tv. One is getting married, which gives her the excuse to try on a lot of clothes. The other three have settled into boring relationships, which gives them the excuse to meet the woman getting married, dress up in the coolest rags as they walk the streets of Manhattan, wine and dine in fabulous New York restaurants, and just hang out with each other, just be...neurotic together. White privilege has its place, I guess.
Fellas, if there ever was a time to put your foot down, to say you don't want to go to a movie, and to say you really want to renew some relationship of your own with the guys at your favorite watering hole, this is it.
The daddy will see you there.
MacDaddy....Thanks for the movie review....I probably won't be going to my favorite watering hole, since I do not have one; I'll settle for WASHINGTON WEEK. Sounds like even a little politics is better than THIS flick! (By the way I went to my niece's graduation and after they took me to a Sports bar....NO THANKS; I'll take the peace of the monastery any day!!!)
Come on, you don't think Jennifer Hudson's role as the Best Black Friend counts? LOL.
natalie: In a word, no. The Sistah deserves better, don't you think?
nun: Okay, nuns and priests shouldn't have a favorite watering hole. But is there anything wrong with sipping a little holy wine with a few Sisters while watching Washington Week?
MacDaddy-If you don't think priests have favorite watering holes, you better take another walk around the block! You can't walk in Murrays or the Lex or you name it without spotting a father or two (being wined and dined of course by one of their flock)
LOL, you nailed it. But I was on a SATC high when I came out of the theater. In the cold hard light of morning you are right,LOL
Thank you for saying it! I only saw the show one time and wasn't impressed, especially since New York isn't so white in real life, so I definitely won't be going to the movie.
los angelista: New York is very diverse. It's like nations within a nation. Being a guy, maybe I'm missing something. But when I used to watch Sex in the City on tv, I feel like people of color don't exist. The same when I watch Friends. BTW, love your blog.
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