Malcolm X, a man the daddy can't forget
by Mac Walton, aka, The Daddy
Listen up. The daddy's got a confession to make. Okay, two confessions, both related. First, the daddy is feeling lazy. He doesn't want to do anything in particular. Second, he only wants to sit on his living-room couch and think about Malcolm X, the great black leader of the Nation of Islam called Minister Malcolm back in the day, the man he still calls Minister Malcolm today.
No, the daddy never met him. Never got to see him, But, as a kid, the daddy belonged to the religious sect that he made into a powerful national force in the United States, The Nation of Islam. It was an institution with which to be reckoned n the 1960's.
No, the daddy was no leader in the group. In fact, the daddy was kicked out of the group for reading Minister Malcolm's book, "The Autobiography of Malcolm X." You see, the daddy was a kid and didn't know about this war going on inside the Nation of Islam between the brothers and sisters who were loyal to late Honorable Elijah Muhammad and those who were loyal to Minister Malcolm, even though Minister Malcolm was dead by that time. But after finishing the book, after speaking to present and former members from both sides, the daddy lost faith in the leadership of The Nation of Islam, never asked to be reinstated, and left the organization for good.
Why? Because brothers and sisters told him something that he could not ignore or wish away: that Minister Malcolm was too honest, too committed to black people, and too disappointed in the immoral behavior of the late Honorable Elijah Muhammad, his mentor and substitute father, to keep his mouth shut about the corruption and immorality going on at the top levels of the Nation of Islam at that time-- that Minister Malcolm had to die, because he was too dedicated and knew too much. I left, because I believed them.
And that's why the daddy is being lazy this evening. He's sitting here thinking about Minister Malcolm: about the courage it takes to go against your own people, your own organization, your own disciples (whom you groomed to be leaders, whom you knew would order that you be killed) and, worst of all, your own mentor who, in effect, was your father. But, ultimately, the daddy is thinking about something even more important than political betrayal; he's thinking about the potency of legacy.
The daddy is thinking that to kill a great leader can be an oppressor's worst mistake and greatest nightmare. Why? Because then a great leader becomes a martyr and is elevated to even greater heights. The leader's spirit floats into the air and hovers directly above the heads of the oppressed and, when the time is right, shimmers down like golden sun rays on a clear, summer's day. That's when the martyr becomes more valuable in death than in life, when, ironically, the martyr takes on new life inside the hearts of future Minister Malcolms for generations.
That's why the daddy is sitting here thinking about some things that Minister Malcolm said in the 1960's that still resonates inside him today:
* That "education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it;"
* That "The political philosophy of black nationalism means that the black man should control the politics and the politicians in his own community;"
* That "The economic philosophy of black nationalism only means that our people need to be re-educated into the importance of controlling the economy of the community in which they live;"
* That "Our people have made the mistake of confusing methods with objectives...that, As long as we agree on objectives, we should never fall out with each other just because we believe in different methods or tactics or strategy. We have to keep in mind at all times that we are not fighting for separation. We are fighting for recognition as free human beings in this society;" and
* That "Power in defense of freedom is greater than power on behalf of tyranny and oppression."
It's cold in Minnesota in November. But the daddy thinks he'll take a walk outside. Who knows? Maybe he'll look up in the sky...and think about Minister Malcolm.
I have a special place in my heart for Minister Malcolm. For his brilliance, his eloquence, his tenacity, his love for Black people and his willingness to tell us hard truth about ourselves.
His message of personal responsibility, knowledge, education and discipline is just as relevant today as it was all those years ago in Harlem.
That is vision and timelessness. I miss him though my mother was a kid in Harlem when he lived and loved there. I miss the courage and the guts that it took to speak truth to power, that beautiful, radiant smile and his dedication to Betty and his daughters.
May he continue to rest in peace.
I don't believe in seperation, but at the end of each day, I am the one who feels like I am on an island all by myself, I feel everyone is standing up against the injustice in the black community, everyone is standing together, and then there is me.
I don't feel apart of anything anymore, I am a light skinned black man, and I don't think anyone believes in me anymore.
Niether the blacks or the whites, I feel like I am being left hanging out to dry, well, I dried a long time ago and I feel like the wind is going to sweep me away, and I don't have any idea where that might be.
I feel abandond, and like a lost soul, I thought God was watching out for me, but I guess being driven insane is the call of the day, because I am close.
I just want to cry!
Malcolm was a great leader. He's right up there with MLK and JFK in my book.
TheDaddy, you write powerful. Anybody ever told you that?
The martyr instills in each follower an eternal flame, that remains hidden, lingers in time, until it spontaneously consumes evil.
Hey there Daddy...
Even as a Christian minister, I have to say that this phenomenal Muslim brotha has deeply influenced my life, my ideologies, my centeredness about the radical nature of embracing AUTHENTIC blackness in a nation that openly despises blackness in all of its forms.
As part of the black church construct, I see so much that is truly worthy of disdain and I can't even begin to absorb the depth of sorrow that Malcolm must have confronted when discovering that his mentor, his father, his hero was deeply corrupt.
I remember when Louis Farrakhan got on t.v. and apologized to Malcolm's daughter.
I think about Malcolm a lot...I watch his videos...I drink that man's voice...and I reach out to him often...and I believe that he has been elevated, not by his death but by his uncorrupted inner truth.
Peace, blessings and DUNAMIS!
Just a little over 40 years ago this month I came back from Vietnam, have received help and still live in the shadow world at times. When it's all said and done, I believe in you and I am a white man and William Henley believed when he said, "It matters not how strait the gate, How charged with punishment the scroll, I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul.
Sdg: It sounds like you really took in his teachings and his undying commitment to us. I understand.
Minneapolis: A number of my black friends feel this way, especially those who are veterans or who were deeply involved in radical or militant organizations. I would suggest you talk to someone you trust about this, like a minister, rabbi or counselor. And don't be afraid to ask for help. We all have at one time or another. Don't give up. Continue to fight.
RJ: He's right up there with them in my book too. In fact, he may be at the top of the list.
rainywalker: Spoken like the poet you are.
"Even as a Christian minister, I have to say that this phenomenal Muslim brotha has deeply influenced my life, my ideologies, my centeredness about the radical nature of embracing AUTHENTIC blackness in a nation that openly despises blackness in all of its forms."
Lisa: You write so well. Nobody blows the trumpet like you. By the way, I hope you click on the follower widget on my sidebar so people can see your logo and come visit you. Blessings, Sister.
Lisa: I just got back from visiting you your blog. I learn a lot from you.
You said, "..to kill a great leader can be an oppressor's worst mistake...
The ordinary hater doesn't know this, but powers that be have learned from this and do media lynchings. They didn't succeed with Barack yet continue the race baiting. Guns and ammo are flying off the shelves and the purchasers are nearly all angry or scared white men.
I wonder what Malcolm's advice to Obama and Black America would be today.
nice post
Good points raised here. All embellish my basic position: all assassins, whether successful or not, should be prosecuted and confined for life, so that their names are forgotten and they die an unnoticed death. Political assassinations are daggers drawn into the very heart of a democratic society, depriving it of its vitality. There are no exceptions.
I read a little bit over at bwbtt, I have been struggling with feeling enslaved and not knowing what to do about it.
She was talking to women over there, but I am going to go back there later tonight and do some of the suggested readings.
I could use some words of encouragement, I have been feeling broken and disconnected the last couple of days.
Hey Daddy,
Your kindness is so deeply appreciated...you move me in places that have been stationary for a long time. I read your words and I feel like someone has just touched me in the deep river of my slumber and has brought parts of me back into full alertness.
Peace, blessings and DUNAMIS!
Lisa: It makes me feel so good to know that a minister who thinks so deeply, who writes so well, loves to visit my blog. I appreciate you.
By the way, I wrote a piece about the bluesman Hound Dog Taylor, who I used to see when, as a kid visiting my aunt in the summer, I would go down on Maxwell Street in Chicago. For some reason, I thought of you: that you were from Chicago and maybe went down there too. Do you live in Chicago? If so, did you go down on Maxwell Street? Just curious.
I am a member of the Holy Nation of Islam, yes we thank Min. Malcolm for his service to his leader and teacher the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad.
Yoo dad, sorry you got the BOOT, we are a Baby nation trying to perfect PERFECTION. It seems you may have been a GREAT ASSET to the NATION and BLACK PEOPLE.
I am a member of the Holy Nation of Islam, yes we thank Min. Malcolm for his service to his leader and teacher the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad.
Yoo dad, sorry you got the BOOT, we are a Baby nation trying to perfect PERFECTION. It seems you may have been a GREAT ASSET to the NATION and BLACK PEOPLE.
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