--Anais Nin
Something good happened yesterday. The sister/minister over at Hagar's Daughter received the Superior Scribbler Award, and she passed it on to the daddy. It feels so so good to get recognition from fellow writers out in the blogosphere.
The daddy will repay Hagar's Daughter and the creator of the award, Revvy Rev. over at The Certain Sound, by doing his best to write meaningful posts: post that make the reader laugh and cry, rant and rave and sing for the sweet, the positive, the golden moments ahead-- and do some of it in the COMMENT section of the blog. The daddy has checked many blogs; and he believes that the comments from his readers or followers are as good as any in the blog world.
To the daddy, quality posts are not the only thing that is important blog. It is the comments from engaged readers who feel what the daddy is saying but have their own take on things. That's what the daddy wants, because he feels this blog, ultimately, belongs to the people who come to it and not to him. That's why the daddy usually asks a question at the end of his post-- to solicit comments from the readers and not feed his ego.
According to the rules, the daddy is to present the Superior Scribbler Award to 5 other blogs. There are so many good bloggers out there. So, at the risk of engaging the ire of the many good bloggers that visit him, the daddy is going to pass the Superior Scribbler Award to bloggers who consistently write quality post, convey insightful, engaging, even provocative, perspectives and who write so well. They are: Lisa at Black Women Blow the Trumpet, Kit at Keep It Trill, Rainywalker at Thermophylaehillbilly, Vigilante at The Vigil, and Tami at What Tami Said. If you don't believe me check them out. Congratulations, fellow bloggers. To the other bloggers, please know that this is no put-down of you. Remember: the daddy could only name five blogs.
The rules for recipients of the Superior Scribbler award are as follow:
1. Each Superior Scribbler must in turn pass The Award on to 5 most-deserving Bloggy Friends.
2. Each Superior Scribbler must link to the author & the name of the blog from whom he/she has received The Award.
3. Each Superior Scribbler must display The Award on his/her blog, and link to this post, which explains The Award.
4. Each Blogger who wins The Superior Scribbler Award must visit this post and add his/her name to the Mr. Linky List. That way, we'll be able to keep up-to-date on everyone who receives This Prestigious Honor!
5. Each Superior Scribbler must post these rules on his/her blog.
To learn more about the Superior Scribbler award, click here.
Thanks for the love.
Hey there Mac!!
I can't believe you selected me!! That is such an honor to receive it from you because you don't just say someone is good unless they really ARE GOOD!! (smiles)
I feel like Sally Fields accepting her Oscar that year when she said, "you like me! you really like me!" and she was laughed at for sooo many years after that.
I won't say what Sally said this time...I will just say "thank you from the center of my heart".
Peace, blessings and DUNAMIS!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Congrats Mac! You deserve it. You have a great blog and I will continue to stop by often.
Congratulations. By the way all those links to your articles sorted by topic on your sidebar don't work and haven't from the beginning so maybe you could fix them or move them. I'm sure many would enjoy reading them if they are new to your blog.
Lisa: I'm kind of reluctant to say it, but I liked her. In a land of phony smiles, false this and that, and faces that got "work," she seemed so genuine. Speaking of genuine, your blog is it. You speak truth, whether people want to hear it or not. And you speak it clearly. That is good writing. I appreciate it. I appreciate you. You deserve this award as much as anyone. Thank you for being there. "You like me! You really like me!" Lisa, we really do. Congrats!
Revvy Rev: Thank you, sir. I look forward to your visits. Be well.
Anon: I will check it and try to figure out why it works for my computer and not yours. I'll have my computer nerd friends figure it out. They're smarter than me. Thanks for letting me know.
I am at a loss for words, Daddy. I guess it's out of an incipient case of acrophobia. I am afraid of immediately falling from grace. Anais Nin's marvelous words sum up the quarry all of us pursue:
The role of writers is not to say what we can all say, but what we are unable to say.
Just to be mentioned in the same context as daddyBstrong causes one great trepidation against looking down or up. Peering out horizontally at this moment, I can think of only one other blogger who approximates daddyBStrong's attainment of Nin's goal.
Daddy, I think it may take me a little time for me to conjure up the remainder of the five required ...
In the meantime, I'll take a few moments to congratulate the other sites mentioned in this column!
It works for you because it is YOUR blog. But I'm guessing all your other readers have the same problem. Check it out.
First of all, congratulations. You certainly deserve it as your work has enriched the black blogosphere with reminding us of the our historical and cultural legacy.
Next, I am delighted and honored that you passed on one of these to me. Thank you.
~ Kit
congrats well deserved
Vigilante: Taking your time to choose 5 bloggers honors the process.
Anon: I got two e-mails from people saying they could click on the posts and get to the articles just fine. But I also got three who said they couldn't. I decided to get rid of the special posts. I also think it cluttered up the blog. If people want to check out my articles, they can always check older posts. Thanks for the tip.
Kit: I thank you. But I hope you know I'm using you and Lisa at Blackwomenblowthetrumpet and Tami at Whattamisaid as models: Writing consistently quality posts and not just promoting gossip or throwing up a post for the sake of posting every day. Congrats again!
Congratulations daddyBstrong on your award.
I am honored and humbled to receive one from you. The daddy and many others have inspired me to do better.
My Mother used to say "You talk to hear your head roar." But there is a calling one day to reach deep inside the dark places we do not talk about to challange the youth of this world. To think what could be and what has been and why they can make it better.
From youth to death and not the five minutes, but what you do in that five minutes. Coldplay's, Viva La Vita, a 2008 singing Bill Shakespeare sums it up. "I used to rule the world, Seas would rise when I gave the word, Now in the morning I sleep alone, Sweep the streets I used to own."
Until that time,
Great choices Mac. . . all, including yourself are serious scribblers!
After what you said I now feel guilty for not accepting an award recently from someone I highly respect.
Jimi . . . sometimes I wonder what could have been. I've never stopped being shocked by his playing.
Congrats, MacDaddy! You deserve it.
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